Set dancing is a fun style of dance that anyone can do. It’s form of Irish social (recreational) dancing which has been popular in Ireland for over 150 years. After a period of decline, it experienced a resurgence in the 1980’s, both in Ireland and worldwide. Sets are danced by four couples in a square, and usually consist of several "figures" with a pause between each.

Origins: Most Irish Set Dances are descended from the quadrilles danced at the French court in the late 18th and early 19th century and other dances from Scotland etc. These dances were brought to Ireland and taught by the early dancing masters who adapted them to Irish traditional music and modified and elaborated them to show off their dancing prowess. In time, various regions of the country retained and danced the local "set" at crossroads and in homes, even when the Public Dance Hall Act of 1935 tried to stamp them out. Where the céili forms tend to be similar across Ireland, set dances feature strong regional variations in style.

Form: Sets are danced to traditional Irish dance music, including reels, jigs, polkas, slides and hornpipes. Set dancing is lively but much easier to dance than the solo step dancing taught to children and young adults at Irish Dance Schools, and much much easier than the highly elaborated and athletic dancing you may have seen in the RiverDance or Lord of the Dance shows.

Set dancing is traditionally not "called"-- the dancers in a village generally learned the local set and few others. Now that this dance form has become so popular, the dancers often memorize many sets and review the next figure among themselves during the breaks.

Today, there’s set dance and céili being done all over the world. The Milwaukee Set Dance Club offers set dance classes to help newcomers develop confidence and experience in dancing. After completing a set of classes, you’ll be able to join in local set dances throughout the year and have a lot of fun doing so. At Milewaukee's own Irish Fest there are introductory lessons daily in the Crossroads Area. Please check the program for the Set Dance Lessons. Join us for a lesson and ask the instructors about the schedule for upcoming classes in the area.

There is also weekly set dancing in the Milwaukee area and a Saturday night set dance once a month with live music at the Irish Cultural and Heritage Center. Look for information at the website -- and go dancing!