THOMAS M. PETERS N57 W15867 Bette Drive • Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 t p e t e r s @ m i x c o m . c o m (262) 252-8720 PROFILE: I seek a challenging position in IT networking utilizing more than a decade of progressively responsible LAN / WAN and monitoring experience and additional experience in IT. I am an extremely technical and analytical individual with a broad technical base and proven interpersonal, training, and technical writing skills. EXPERIENCE MasterLink, Support Engineer (temporary assignment) 4/9/2007-7/27/2007 - Remote telephone support of various clients in support of their IT infrastructure, including all VPN issues for GE Healthcare. - Onsite support of our clients as required for escalations that could not be resolved remotely, including server and application support. Server support for Windows 2003, Windows 2003 SBS. Application support in a broad arena of product, including Symantec Enterprise Antivirus and security applications, Backup Exec, SurfControl Enterprise Protection Suite, others. - Internal systems support including PC and application issues for end users. - Documentation support for clients and internal processes, including those used by on-call personnel for evening and weekend response to alarms. - Client interactions, internal and external to MasterLink - Investigate, troubleshoot and resolve automated alarms from remote monitoring tools for approximately 20 clients / sites. - Administrative duties to ensure proper time capture for proper invoicing of clients. - Mentor and colleague for the engineering team within the ROC and Senior bench team. SBC Inc, Long Distance Group, Senior Network Services Manager 4/2005-12/29/2006 - Proactive Tier 1 and 2 maintenance and troubleshooting of the national SBC Long Distance voice network and enterprise-wide data network using a variety of tools. - Remote performance and maintenance of network elements and services, both SBC-owned and operated and supplier-network systems. - Troubleshooting and maintenance of long-distance switched voice services, SS7, AIN (toll-free) platform, post-paid Calling-Card platform, Data Products (Frame Relay, ATM, and Private Line services) as well as management of local and enterprise Data Networking infrastructure, power and environmental conditions. - Analysis and administration of data network to ensure and protect the networks reliability and integrity, alarm surveillance and dispatch for service restoration. Use of more than 10 monitoring and analysis tools and Unix command-line tools. (OpenView, Big Brother, etc.) Primary responsibility to detect problems with, and assure quality of, the data network for ATM, circuits, PVCs, servers, routers, and switches. Help maintain a network of PVCs connected to loopbacks in various cities for network performance/latency measurement. - Interface with Network Suppliers to resolve customer-impacting service problems with responsibility for Tier 1 & 2 support for all of these functions. - Maintaining customer and supplier relations by apprising and updating all impacted parties on effects of any outages and service impairments. Rerouting of traffic around network congestion and outages, and the optimum loading and balancing of all equipment in all technologies. Serves as Tier 2 support for customer reported Dial 1, Calling Card, Cellular Long Distance, Toll Free Services and other products and services. - Responsible for internal and external escalation, identifying when disaster recovery is necessary and implementing pre-defined plans. Sterling Technologies Group, IT Consultant 12/2003 – 12/2004 - All aspects of LAN and desktop consulting, including performance monitoring / metrics. Test and recommend network performance monitoring software for clients. - Install, configure, and troubleshoot Microsoft operating systems: Windows 2000, XP, Enterprise Server 2003, and Novell NetWare 6. Installed, populated and configured a SAN from components purchased on eBay, without documentation. Connected to servers and assigned logical units for use. - Served on a process redesign committee in 2004 for a large regional non-profit agency serving Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This committee, appointed by the board of directors, was charged with redesigning, from the ground up, the most critical process in the agency’s workflow. Johnson Controls, Network Engineer, placed by TekSystems 10/2001 – 10/2003 - Handle escalated trouble tickets assigned by help desk (via Remedy), including all Global Infrastructure-Network trouble tickets execute connectivity requests, and perform other project work as assigned. Handled more than 860 escalated trouble tickets, averaging 40-90 per month. Tickets originated from users, Tivoli LAN/WAN monitoring suite, MCI proactive monitoring, and other sources. Work with Tivoli manager to improve process and server monitoring. - Complete all SAN fiber connection requests from all business units for the corporate data center. Create and update applicable spreadsheets and Visio documents. - Complete connection requests for VOIP (Voice-over-IP) stations using the Meridian VOIP implementation. Coordinate with voice engineer and create new VLANs for Meridian control and voice use. - Complete network connection requests, making hardware connections and setting switch/router port parameters as needed, in an environment composed mainly of Cisco switches and routers. Implement all workstation connection requests and data center server connection requests. Update applicable spreadsheets and Visio documents. Worked on Cisco Catalyst 4000/4500, 5500 and 6500 series switches, with router cards, 3500 switches, 2500 and 2600 series routers, Cisco PIX 515 and 525 firewalls, and a variety of other equipment from many manufacturers. - Complete DNS changes using Lucent QIP Enterprise, in order to add, change, and delete DNS names, aliases, and static addresses, dynamic DHCP, entries, etc. - Analyze and monitor LAN traffic with tools such as NetScout nGenius Performance Manager to assure quality and performance. - Plan upgrades, request comment, and schedule required outages, posting notifications via Change Notification system implemented in Lotus Notes. - Notify helpdesks world-wide of unplanned outages, slow-downs, and other issues via "Hot News" system implemented in Remedy, as well as local user community. Other users remote from this center were able to obtain up-to-date information from help desks based on the Hot News system. - Assist with large-scale relocations of groups of servers in the Data Center for other business units; perform liaison duties, and prepare in advance by pre-connecting network connections and preprogramming the affected switches. I assisted with the move of nearly 40 servers for IFM group, smaller scale moves for Battery Division, and many others. - Assist with large-scale, multi-phase workstation realignments at Corporate campus in buildings 3A and 3B by performing all network changes required. - Represent GI-Network group at daily turnover meetings, where data center operator turnover logs are analyzed. - Developed forms and documentation to help standardize requests for connection to the network and for DNS name changes, working in conjunction with the help desk manager. - Participated in a project to realign connections on eleven switches, ten PIX firewalls, dozens of servers, and 26 VLANs, mapping out a phased set of port moves in order to minimize outages. SBC (Ameritech) Broadband Data, Project Manager, placed by TekSystems. 4/2001 – 6/2001 - Project management of move/add/change orders for broadband data circuits, using MS Office and Remedy TekSystems, in-house LAN / WAN Engineer, when not on customer projects. 2/2001 – 6/2001 - Small LAN / WAN projects, in-house technical training, pre-sales engineering calls and site visits, in-house network upgrades. - Brought on staff 11/1/00 as permanent, full-time consultant at TekSystems, while continuing current project at Miller Brewing. Miller Brewing / ITSC, WAN Engineer / Provisioning Engineer, placed by TekSystems. 8/2000 – 1/2001 - Manage T-1 moves/adds/changes for remote offices, provide 2nd tier technical support for circuits using Remedy and NetView, make minor parameter adjustments to Cisco routers via Telnet/dial-up, certify cables using Fluke DSP-2000, assist with data center relocation to Glenview, IL. Kohl’s Corporate Headquarters, LAN / WAN Engineer, Placed by TekSystems. 5/2000 – 7/2000 - Inspect (remotely) 16 Bay Networks 8100 series switch chassis, locking selected ports to 100mb half-duplex, setup and analyze packet captures on 298 remote store sites as part of broadcast reduction effort, install over 100 fiber optic runs in “lights out” data center, and install, label, test, terminate several hundred Category 5 runs. - Manage a small work group in performing a firmware upgrade project for 298 stores, creating flash cards, shipping them to stores, walking store staff through process of saving running parameters, installing new card, rebooting, testing, and returning the old cards. Sterling Technologies Group, Inc, LAN Engineer (temporary placement) 4/2000-5/2000 Communications, Cabling & Networking, Inc, Network Support Engineer 3/1997- 2/2000 - Customer network monitoring and analysis using Network Associates Sniffer™ and RMON probes, install/configure LAN and WAN components (e.g. hubs, switches, routers etc) for Ethernet, Token-ring, FDDI, ATM, troubleshoot LANs / WANs, obtain domain name(s) from Internic, locate and contract with hosting service, design intranet and initial internet web sites, implement corporate knowledge base using intranet, minor programming projects using VBA and MS Office products, technical writing and documentation. Stratagem, Inc., Information Systems Consultant 1996-1997 - General I/S consulting for several clients, including LAN, server, and workstation troubleshooting, install and configure Windows 95 and NT. - Help research and design large-scale network upgrade for multi-floor expansion of Stratagem's Milwaukee office. Habush, Habush, Davis & Rottier, S.C. (statewide), Computer Systems Administrator 1993-1996 - Perform or advise on all maintenance on computers, programs, telephone systems, and related equipment for 9 offices across Wisconsin using PC-NFS, SunOS 4.1, Novell 3.x and 4.x, institute, document, and train staff to perform routine maintenance procedures. Develop procedures and write programs for various user tasks, which included custom SQL scripts, shell scripts, and batch files, perform repair on computers, procure, install, train staff, and maintain firm-wide electronic mail system, procure, install, and maintain WAN links between various sites statewide. - Procure Internet service. Register/maintain internet domain. Set up corporate Web exhibits. Manage internet e-mail for connected staff. Co-authored article on network security published in Trial, the national magazine of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, subsequently reprinted. Stevenson's Office Equipment, Milwaukee, WI, Technical Support Manager 1985-1993 - Provide technical support for sales staff and end users, as well as consulting services for customers, provide all in- house training for staff, install and maintain multi-user computer system for in-house accounting, database management, parts cross-reference, and word processing. Install all wiring and interfaces for many networks, both in-house and customer. Write and compile information for a Technician Set-up and User Manual - Research and evaluate new products including a network system for PC's, implemented set-up procedures; write numerous programs, databases, and procedures supporting this system, managed service department and repaired/serviced computers and peripherals on the bench and in the field. - Duties included: manage service department, inside sales, customer support, internal training/technical support, dealer and end-user support. EDUCATION & TRAINING Certifications - Cisco CCNA (8/2001) - TekSystems C4 Advanced Project Lead (4/26/01) - Bay Networks / Nortel Business Partner Sales, Technology and Product Training - Cabletron Systems Engineer: Internetworking Technologies (4/29/98), Cabletron (multiple) Shared Access, LAN Switching, Asynchronous Transaction Mode (ATM), SmartSwitch Router Configuration. - Fluke Network Troubleshooting Technology - Microsoft MCP (MCSE preparation): MS Windows NT 4.0 Administration (7/9/99), MS NT 4.0 Workstation: Implementing and Supporting (9/7/99), Microsoft NT 4.0 Server: Implementing and Supporting (9/21/99) - Network General Sniffer Troubleshooting (6/25/97), Network General Sniffer Ethernet Analysis (6/27/97) - Net3 Group Protocol Analysis Workshop 1998 (2/6/98) - Miscellaneous training: Introduction to C Programming, GroupWise Client, Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3, Novell LAN Management. - Amateur Radio License, callsign N9QQB (Technician Class) Major - Electrical Engineering/Computer Science: University Of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Volunteer operator on the DEC TSS/8 and VAX Systems PUBLICATIONS "Computer Network Insecurity", Trial, a national publication of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, Volume 31, No. 3 (March 1995). A five-page in-depth article on computer network security. Reprinted in Bottom Line, the California Bar Association Newsletter. Quoted in Wisconsin Lawyer (official publication of the State Bar of Wisconsin) Volume 69, No. 4 (April 1996). Participated in the launch of a new column on lawyers and the Internet. Quoted in various ham radio-related magazines, some with nationwide distribution, including "VHF Contesting for the Average Ham", QST Magazine, June 1996. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE - Served on a process redesign committee in 2004 for a large regional non-profit agency serving Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This committee, appointed by the board of directors, was charged with redesigning, from the ground up, the most critical process in the agency’s workflow. - Part of a volunteer group of three to refurbish PCs for use by members of a non-profit organization (Share and Digital Campfires Foundation). I had responsibility to build a multicast network for imaging the machines and shape the end- user training process. We refurbished and reimaged nearly forty machines in a single two-day period. Résumé 2007 08 01